1. Basic of IDE and RC
  2. Selenium Webdriver
  3. TestNG/Junit
  4. Data driven framework with TestNg

Selenium Webdriver

Module 1

  1. Understanding the java architecture of selenium webdriver
  2. Creating a Jar file
  3. Understand webdriver class FirefoxDriver, Crome Driver and InternetExplorer Driver
  4. Creating first Webdriver Project
  5. Calling Webdriver Method
  6. Open Gmail Home Page
  7. Understanding Web Element Interface
  8. Enter User Name and Password and handle other element on webpage

Module 2

  1. Handling HTML element such as Text box, Hyperlinks, Submit Button, Radio button
  2. Check boxes and Drop down
  3. Finding Element and text on webpage
  4. Printing all links and other value from a webpage
  5. Using By Class to find Element using different method

Module 3

  1. How to capture a screen shot
  2. Capture screenshot in case of an error
  3. Emailing Test result
  4. Concepts of window name
  5. How to handle pop up window
  6. How to click on element in new tab

Module 4

  1. Simulating keypress event such as Enter, pageup, pagedown, backspace etc.
  2. Handling Java script message
  3. Working with online captchas, Running the test with HTML Unit driver

Module 5

  1. Online HTML web element
  2. Implement Global wait
  3. Running test in multiple browser
  4. Firefox Profile
  5. Running text in multiple profile

Module 6

  1. How to Handle Ajax based application
  2. Browser Navigate method
  3. Listeners
  4. Mouse Movement

Module 7

  1. How to handle menu item and sub menu item

Module 8

  1. Chrome Driver
  2. How to find path in chrome
  3. Running pop up and tab test in chrome

Module 9

  1. Handling query Element
  2. Magic of action class
  3. Drag and drop
  4. Resizable
  5. IE Explorer, Slider
  6. Handling make my trip slider
  7. Handing SSL certification error

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