Dart and Flutter Course In Jaipur


Overview of Flutter

Getting a Head Start on Dart

  • Key language features
  • Dart Syntax
  • Differences between Dart and [insert your OO language of choice

Anatomy of a Flutter App

  • Templates
  • Scaffolding
  • Styling for Material Design & iOS (Cupertino)
  • It’s Widgets all the way down

Let’ s Prototype a Thing

  • Building your first User Interface with Flutter
  • Drawing with Custom Painter
  • Effect widgets
  • Animations
  • Navigation and routing
  • Hot Reloading

Data and State

  • State management
  • Data Serialisation & JSON

Extending your Thing

  • Dependency Injection
  • 3rd-party packages
  • Conflict resolution
  • Creating your packages
  • Background processes

Testing Method

  • Debugging
  • Unit, Widget, and Integration testing
  • Continuous Integration (CI) with Fastlane

The Need For Speed

  • Techniques to optimize your app’s performance
  • Performance Profiling & Profile Mode
  • Diagnosing & fixing performance problems

Getting It Out the Door

  • Build and release for iOS / iPhone / iPad
  • Build and release for Android
  • Continuous Deployment / Delivery (CD) with Fastlane
C And C++ Training Institute in Jaipur

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