Course Overview

This comprehensive course is designed to provide a deep understanding of full-stack web development, focusing on front-end design, backend development using Python, and web framework integration with Django. By the end of this course, students will be able to build dynamic, robust, and scalable web applications.

Course Structure

  • Introduction to Web Development
  • HTML and CSS Basics
  • JavaScript and Front-End Frameworks
  • Python Programming
  • Django Framework Basics
  • Database Integration
  • Building RESTful APIs
  • Front-End and Back-End Integration
  • User Authentication and Security
  • Deploying Web Applications
  • Advanced Topics
  • Final Project
Module 1: Introduction to Web Development

Week 1: Course Introduction and Tools Setup

  • Lecture 1.1: Course Overview

    • Introduction to Full-Stack Development
    • Importance of Full-Stack Skills
    • Course Structure and Expectations
  • Lecture 1.2: Setting Up the Development Environment

    • Installing Python, Django, and other necessary tools
    • Setting up code editors (VSCode, PyCharm, etc.)
    • Introduction to Version Control with Git

Week 2: Understanding the Web

  • Lecture 2.1: How the Web Works

    • HTTP/HTTPS Protocols
    • Client-Server Architecture
    • Request-Response Cycle

Lecture 2.2:

  • Overview of Web Technologies

    • Front-End vs. Back-End
    • Introduction to HTML, CSS, JavaScript
    • Introduction to Python and Django
Module 2: HTML and CSS Basics

Week 3: HTML Essentials

  • Lecture 3.1: Basic Structure of an HTML Document

    • HTML Tags, Attributes, and Elements
    • Creating Your First Webpage
  • Lecture 3.2: HTML5 Features and Forms

    • Semantic Elements
    • Form Elements and Validation

Week 4: CSS for Styling

  • Lecture 4.1: CSS Basics

    • Selectors, Properties, and Values
    • Inline, Internal, and External CSS
  • Lecture 4.2: Advanced CSS

    • Flexbox and Grid Layouts
    • Responsive Design with Media Queries
Module 3: JavaScript and Front-End Frameworks
Week 5: JavaScript Basics
  • Lecture 5.1: Introduction to JavaScript

    • Syntax and Variables
    • Functions and Scope
  • Lecture 5.2: DOM Manipulation

    • Selecting and Modifying Elements
    • Event Handling
Week 6: Advanced JavaScript and Frameworks
  • Lecture 6.1: ES6+ Features

    • Arrow Functions, Promises, and Async/Await
    • Modules and Classes
  • Lecture 6.2: Introduction to Front-End Frameworks

    • Overview of React, Vue, and Angular
    • Setting up a React Project
Module 4: Python Programming
Week 7: Python Basics
  • Lecture 7.1: Python Syntax and Variables

    • Data Types and Operators
    • Control Structures (if, for, while)
  • Lecture 7.2: Functions and Modules

    • Defining Functions
    • Importing and Using Modules
Week 8: Working with Data
  • Lecture 8.1: Data Structures in Python

    • Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries, and Sets
  • Lecture 8.2: File Handling and Exceptions

    • Reading/Writing Files
    • Exception Handling
Module 5: Django Framework Basics
Week 9: Introduction to Django
  • Lecture 9.1: Setting Up a Django Project

    • Django Project Structure
    • Creating Your First Django App
  • Lecture 9.2: Django Models and Admin

    • Defining Models
    • Using Django Admin

Week 10: Django Views and Templates

  • Lecture 10.1: Django Views

    • Function-Based Views
    • Class-Based Views
  • Lecture 10.2: Django Templates

    • Template Inheritance
    • Template Tags and Filters
Module 6: Database Integration

Week 11: Working with Databases

  • Lecture 11.1: Introduction to Databases

    • SQL vs. NoSQL
    • Database Design Principles
  • Lecture 11.2: Django ORM

    • Querying the Database
    • Migrations and Schema Changes

Week 12: Advanced Database Topics

  • Lecture 12.1: Optimizing Database Queries

    • Indexes and Query Optimization
    • Database Transactions
  • Lecture 12.2: Using PostgreSQL with Django

    • Setting Up PostgreSQL
    • Configuring Django to Use PostgreSQL
Module 7: Building RESTful APIs

Week 13: Introduction to RESTful APIs

  • Lecture 13.1: What is REST?

    • Principles of REST
    • REST vs. SOAP
  • Lecture 13.2: Building APIs with Django REST Framework

    • Setting Up DRF
    • Creating Serializers and Views

Week 14: Advanced API Topics

  • Lecture 14.1: Authentication and Permissions

    • Token-Based Authentication
    • Custom Permissions
  • Lecture 14.2: Pagination and Throttling

    • Implementing Pagination
    • Rate Limiting APIs
Module 8: Front-End and Back-End Integration

Week 15: Integrating Front-End with Back-End

  • Lecture 15.1: AJAX and Fetch API

    • Making Asynchronous Requests
    • Handling JSON Data
  • Lecture 15.2: Integrating React with Django

    • Setting Up a React Front-End
    • Communicating with Django APIs

Week 16: Real-Time Communication

  • Lecture 16.1: WebSockets and Django Channels

    • Setting Up Django Channels
    • Real-Time Updates with WebSockets
  • Lecture 16.2: Implementing a Real-Time Feature

    • Building a Real-Time Chat Application
    • Handling Concurrent Users
Module 9: User Authentication and Security

Week 17: Authentication in Django

  • Lecture 17.1: Django Authentication System

    • User Registration and Login
    • Password Management
  • Lecture 17.2: Social Authentication

    • Integrating OAuth (e.g., Google, Facebook)

Week 18: Securing Your Application

  • Lecture 18.1: Common Security Vulnerabilities

    • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
    • Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
  • Lecture 18.2: Best Practices for Security

    • Securing APIs
    • Using HTTPS
Module 10: Deploying Web Applications

Week 19: Preparing for Deployment

  • Lecture 19.1: Deployment Checklist

    • Optimizing Your Code
    • Collecting Static Files
  • Lecture 19.2: Deploying to Heroku

    • Setting Up Heroku
    • Deploying a Django Application

Week 20: Advanced Deployment Topics

  • Lecture 20.1: Deploying with Docker

    • Dockerizing Your Application
    • Using Docker Compose
  • Lecture 20.2: Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD)

    • Setting Up CI/CD Pipelines
    • Automated Testing and Deployment
Module 11: Advanced Topics

Week 21: Advanced Django Features

  • Lecture 21.1: Django Signals and Middleware

    • Using Signals for Decoupled Logic
    • Creating Custom Middleware
  • Lecture 21.2: Django Caching

    • Caching Strategies
    • Using Redis for Caching

Week 22: Performance Optimization

  • Lecture 22.1: Front-End Performance

    • Optimizing Load Time
    • Best Practices for Efficient CSS and JavaScript
  • Lecture 22.2: Back-End Performance

    • Query Optimization
    • Profiling and Monitoring
Module 12: Final Project

Module 12: Final Project

Week 23: Project Planning

  • Lecture 23.1: Project Requirements and Scope

    • Defining the Project Goals
    • Planning the Architecture
  • Lecture 23.2: Setting Up the Project

    • Initial Project Setup
    • Creating the Initial Models and Views

Week 24: Building and Presenting the Project

  • Lecture 24.1: Implementing Features

    • Iterative Development and Testing
    • Integrating Front-End and Back-End
  • Lecture 24.2: Final Presentation and Review

    • Presenting Your Project
    • Peer Review and Feedback

Course Resources

  • Books:

    • “HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites” by Jon Duckett
    • “JavaScript: The Good Parts” by Douglas Crockford
    • “Python Crash Course” by Eric Matthes
    • “Django for Beginners” by William S. Vincent
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